Table 2

Socioeconomic and related data compared between the full study cohort, those with a long-term illness or disability and those with no long-term health problems

VariableFull cohortLong-term illness/disabilityNo long-term illness/disabilityp Value*
NPer centNPer centNPer cent
Household car<0.001
 Yes10 96480.3238467.2857384.9
Paid work/week<0.001
Unpaid work last week for own business?0.040
Unpaid work last week for any family business?0.777
NSSEC 3†<0.001
 Managerial/professional Intermediate385528.269819.7315431.2 
 Never worked563941.3185752.3378037.4
 Full time education5093.72256.32832.8
 Not classified7515.5922.66566.5
 Outer Belfast301922.177921.9223622.1
 East of NI334324.579722.5254025.2
 North of NI204915.054215.3150614.9
 West+South NI301622.178622.1223022.1
Household internet
Personal internet
Do you have internet access?<0.001
MDM deciles<0.001
  • 2 tests were used to compare the groups: those with a long-term illness to those with no long-term illness.

  • †NSSEC3—marker of social class.

  • ‡NUTS3—Northern Ireland is split up into 5 different geographical areas.

  • NI, Northern Ireland.