Table 4

Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses for the full study population

VariableUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
ORCIp ValueORCIp Value
Sports club membership?
 Yes13.46411.887 to 15.250<0.0019.8526.891 to 14.085<0.001
 Male1.7211.607 to 1.843<0.0011.5741.389 to 1.783<0.001
Age groups (years)
 16–3513.69411.485 to 16.328<0.0015.5563.705 to 8.331<0.001
 36–556.5525.525 to 7.770<0.0012.8931.957 to 4.276<0.001
 56–752.6322.210 to 3.134<0.0011.4090.991 to 2.0030.056
 76 and overRefRef
Marital status
 Married or cohabiting0.7040.647 to 0.767<0.0010.9340.789 to 1.1050.425
 Widowed, divorced, separated or same sex couple0.300.268 to 0.336<0.0011.0590.859 to 1.3060.593
House car or van?
 Yes2.7222.483 to 2.983<0.0011.3071.102 to 1.5510.002
Highest qualifications
Degree or higher8.9127.798 to 10.184<0.0013.1722.504 to 4.018<0.001
 All other qualifications3.7853.436 to 4.169<0.0011.8721.605 to 2.184<0.001
 No qualificationsRefRef
Any paid/unpaid work in last week?
 Yes3.7963.533 to 4.079<0.0011.1781.011 to 1.3730.036
 Yes0.3430.319 to 0.368<0.0011.0810.932 to 1.2530.304
Urban or rural?
 Rural0.9130.850 to 0.9800.0120.8460.731 to 0.9790.025
 Belfast1.2331.104 to 1.378<0.0011.3941.118 to 1.7370.003
 Outer Belfast1.3781.246 to 1.525<0.0011.0380.851 to 1.2660.714
 East of NI1.0340.937 to 1.1410.5081.0730.898 to 1.2830.436
 North of NI0.7590.677 to 0.851<0.0010.6950.568 to 0.850<0.001
 West+South NIRefRef
Health over the last year been:
 Good5.1424.608 to 5.738<0.0011.8011.454 to 2.230<0.001
 Fairly good2.4602.182 to 2.772<0.0011.5431.258 to 1.892<0.001
 Not goodRefRef
Limiting long-standing illness
 Yes0.2580.237 to 0.282<0.0010.7360.618 to 0.8760.001
Do you smoke?
 Yes0.7190.655 to 0.790<0.0010.7350.646 to 0.837<0.001
Personal internet?*
 Yes5.1404.755 to 5.556<0.0011.7791.469 to 2.154<0.001
MDM quintiles
 10.4180.374 to 0.468<0.0010.7170.504 to 1.0180.063
 20.4800.431 to 0.535<0.0010.6850.519 to 0.9050.008
 30.5710.513 to 0.636<0.0010.7880.599 to 1.0380.090
 40.7500.675 to 0.834<0.0010.8910.691 to 1.1480.372
  • *Personal internet access combines the three groups (household, personal and any access) into one variable.

  • MDM, Multiple Deprivation Measure; NI, Northern Ireland.