Table 1

Descriptive statistics for the full study cohort, those with a long-term illness or disability and those with no long-term health problems and comparisons of distribution of categorical variables

VariableFull cohortLong-term illness/disabilityNo long-term illness/disabilityp Value*
NPer centNPer centNPer cent
Age group (years)<0.001
Marital status<0.001† (testing grouped variables)
 Same sex couple160.130.1130.1
 All other qualifications669549.0125035.2544253.9
 No qualifications283520.8106530.0176817.5
Sport participation<0.001
Days/week in sport<0.001
Sport (min/week)0.802
 >30, <60570.1340.7531.4
Sports club member<0.001
Health last year<0.001
 Fairly good370627.1121234.1249124.7
 Not good227516.7190453.63683.6
Current smoker
  • 2 Tests were used to compare the groups: those with a long-term illness to those with no long-term illness.

  • †Footnotes groupings for χ2 tests—married/cohabiting v single v widowed/divorced/separated/same sex couple.