This study found that dietary habits in Swedish adolescent handball players are somewhat in accordance with nutrition recommendations. Most participants reported eating 4-6 meals/day and time meals in concert with training. In contrast, adherence to recommendation of carbohydrate intake during training/game was poor, which is in accordance with previous studies showing an insufficent carbohydrate intake in team-sport athletes.15 Also, the NNR for fruits/vegetables and fish/seafood were adhered to only to a low extent, which is in line with studies on non-athlete21 and athlete17 adolescent populations, including handball players. Adolescents are recommended to meet minimal recommended intakes of food groups such as fruits, vegetables and fish to ensure a sufficient intake of micronutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, among others, and gain their health-promoting benefits.9 Lack of appetite and limit of time were the most common reasons for not eating in concert with training, which are known concerns for meeting energy requirements in athletes.6 11 Having an insufficient energy intake might be intentional (eg, dieting) or unintentional (eg, suppressed post-training appetite), yet result in problematic low energy availability22 which may manifest as relative energy deficiency in sports (REDs). REDs is a serious syndrome impacting for example, reproductive, metabolic, cardiovascular and mental health.23 Low energy availability and REDs have historically been mostly discussed in relation to weight-sensitive sports, however, a recent study shows that these conditions are prevalent also in female handball players.24 Although energy and nutrient requirements can be met through well-balanced meals,9 timing of carbohydrate and protein intake is key for enhancing adaptive responses to exercise.6 This is particularly important in athletes with a high training load as in this study, with a weekly training volume of on average 12 hours. A high meal frequency should be encouraged and timed with training as it facilitates the possibility of meeting energy and nutrient requirements,6 improves within-day energy balance25 and ensures recovery and restoration of glycogen.6
More than one-fourth reported using dietary supplements, which is higher than previously reported in adult handball players.26 27 Athletes and non-athletes living in high-latitude countries may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency, and hence benefit from supplementation.9 Vitamin C supplementation, on the other hand, was frequently reported although deficiency is very rare, and requirements are easily fulfilled from the diet.28 Moreover, iron was one of the most used supplements, especially in females. The risk of iron deficiency is high in female athletes through loss via menstrual bleeding, sweating and erythrocyte destruction.29 Iron intake below the recommended dietary allowance and low ferritin levels have previously been reported in female handball players.30 Unfortunately, it is not known whether the athletes in this study used iron supplementation ordinated by a physician, but it is important to emphasise that supplementation without deficiency should be avoided as it might result in toxicity.9 It is important to mention that dietary supplements cannot overcome the deficits of poor nutrition,28 and an unduly focus on supplements might lead to less focus on having healthy dietary habits, as well as increase the risk of unintentional doping.31 The priority for health, growth and performance in adolescent athletes is to ensure energy intake matching the level of physical activity, to facilitate nutrient intakes. Focus should, therefore, be on adequate dietary habits.
In this study, almost all participants reported adhering to an omnivore diet, which is in line with reports of non-athlete Swedish adolescents.21 The results differ from previous studies reporting a higher prevalence of adhering to a vegetarian diet in adolescent athletes in several countries,32 which could be explained by cultural differences in non-Western populations. The most reported food intolerances were lactose, dairy, gluten, nuts and drupes, similar to intolerances in female endurance athletes.33 The prevalence of food intolerances was higher in this study, and it is not clear to what extent these were medically rationalised or adopted based on a perception of health benefits. Adherence to special diets to prevent gastrointestinal distress by excluding groups of carbohydrates has previously been reported in athletes34 35 but was not observed in this study. Excluding foods due to other reasons than an intolerance might make it even more difficult to meet the substantial requirements in an already vulnerable group at risk of inadequate intakes.14–16
Females reported lower frequency of all meals, higher prevalence of food exclusions, higher intake of fruits/vegetables and use of micronutrient supplements compared with males. The lower intake of fruits and vegetables in males has earlier been reported,17 21 although both males and females overall failed to meet the NNR in this study. Furthermore, type of dietary supplements differed between females and males in this study. The more frequent use of protein/creatine supplementation in males could be related to different views on physical attributes expected in male and female athletes, where concerns about weight and body shape are more common in females and concerns about insufficient muscularity is more common in males.36 The results of this study indicate that females may display more restrictive dietary habits compared with males, with a potential lower energy intake and increased risk of REDs.
The prevalence of food intolerances was higher in higher school grades, which is surprising given that food intolerances often are less common with increased age. At the same time, food exclusions due to other reasons than intolerances decreased with higher school grades, while the use of protein/creatine supplements increased with higher school grades. These findings could, hypothetically, be explained by a higher interest in nutrition with increased age resulting in reporting exclusion of certain food groups due to a perceived health effect as intolerances.35
Methodological discussion
This is the largest known study with a representative sample of adolescent handball players with a high inclusion rate of participants from the majority of the Swedish handball-profiled secondary schools. The results are likely generalisable to other team-sport athletes in similar cultural contexts and training schedules. Besides including a validated food frequency questionnaire,20 questions to deepen the knowledge about dietary habits in a bigger context were developed, including measures that describe the possibility to meet energy and nutrient requirements without focusing on assessing actual nutrient and energy intakes through objective measures. This is considered a strength since self-registered data on energy and nutrient intakes is demanding and generally reflects a limited number of days, not capturing the habitual intake, and one of the reasons why nutritional epidemiology has shifted focus from assessing single nutrients to instead evaluating overall dietary habits.37
This study is not without limitations. The risk of misclassification would likely be lower using validated measures of dietary habits specifically targeting populations of young team-sport athletes. It is also possible that the differences in dietary habits with respect to sex are explained by other systematic differences in these groups (eg, socioeconomic status). Furthermore, the dietary habits assessed in this study are a proxy for nutrient and energy intakes, but do not reveal actual intakes, which fulfilment is the primary consideration as an athlete. Although assessing nutritional intakes in observational studies often are challenging (eg, due to underreporting), the knowledge about dietary habits in adolescent handball players would be further deepened if this study also included accurate measures on energy and nutrient intakes, as well as anthropometric data (eg, body composition) and energy expenditure to quantify energy requirements. Another limitation is the absence of measurement of eating attitudes including disordered eating and eating disorders as well as symptoms of REDs. Given that these problems are common in young athletes, and not yet studied in adolescent handball players, this knowledge would further deepen the understanding about the most relevant questions related to dietary habits to address in this population, especially with regard to the sex differences observed where females display potentially more restrictive dietary habits. In future studies, health aspects such as injury prevalence, menstrual dysfunction and sleep impairments may act as proxies for energy availability and REDs in adolescent athletes and can be used to further deepen the knowledge about dietary habits and athletes’ health. Finally, dietary habits were self-reported which is a limitation given that health behaviours tend to be reported in accordance with social desirability.
Clinical implications
The knowledge gained from this study may be valuable for identifying areas in need of nutritional education/interventions in handball-profiled secondary schools, as well as similar contexts with adolescent team-sport athletes, to improve health in active adolescents. This is also in line with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, aiming to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. To further inform practitioners about the importance of dietary habits in youth handball, prospective studies investigating how the findings of this study are related to adolescent handball players’ health and performance with regards to injury risk are warranted.