The survey was conducted using a questionnaire addressing key issues related to the RE-AIM of the NHE programme.17 In addition to the questions that were intended to evaluate the RE-AIM of the NHE programme (box 1), the questionnaire also included a description of the NHE protocol with the initial programme (the 10-week progression model) and the weekly maintenance programme (one session each week).18
Box 1Survey questions (response options and reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance framework domains are shown in parenthesis)
Are you familiar with the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme aimed at reducing hamstring injuries? (Yes; No) (Reach)
Have you used the complete original Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme (the 10-week progression as suggested by Mjølsnes et al18) in your first team squad at the start of season 2020–21? Choose one option: (Yes, the complete 10-week programme; Yes, but only for 7–9 weeks; Yes, but only for 5–6 weeks; Yes, but only for 4 weeks or less; No, not at all) (Adoption)
With which players in your first team squad, did you use the original Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme during the 2020–21 season? (All players from the first team squad; Players with a history of hamstring injury only; No players; Other selection criteria (if yes, please describe your selection criteria)) (Adoption)
How many players in your first team squad completed the initial Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme (the complete 10-week programme) during the season 2020–21? (>75% of players; 50%–74%; 25%–49%; <25%) (Implementation)
Have you used a weekly maintenance programme with the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme (one session each week as suggested by Petersen et al5) in your first team squad during season 2020–21? Choose one option: (Yes, every week; Yes, most weeks; Yes, but sporadically; No, not at all) (Adoption)
With which players in your first team squad did you use the weekly maintenance programme during the 2020–21 season? Choose one option: (All players from the first team squad; Players with a history of hamstring injury only; No players; Other selection criteria (if yes, please describe your selection criteria)) (Adoption)
How many players in your first team squad completed the weekly maintenance programme during the 2020–21 season? Choose one option: (>75% of players; 50%–74%; 25%–49%; <25%) (Implementation)
Have you used any other (modified) Nordic Hamstring Exercise protocol with your first team squad at the start of the 2020–2021 season? (No; Yes, please describe the protocol used in your team) (Adoption)*
Have you used the previously described modified Nordic Hamstring Exercise protocol in your first team squad during the competitive 2020–21 season? Choose one option: (Yes, every week; Yes, most weeks; Yes, but sporadically; No, not at all) (Adoption)*
With which players in your first team squad did you use the described modified Nordic Hamstring Exercise protocol during the 2020–21 competitive season? Choose one option: (All players from the first team squad; Players with a history of hamstring injury only; No players; Other selection criteria (if yes, please describe your selection criteria)) (Adoption)*
How many players in your first team squad completed the previously described modified Nordic Hamstring Exercise protocol during the 2020–21 season? Choose one option: (>75% of players; 50%–74%; 25%–49%; <25%) (Implementation)*
Have you experienced any complaints about the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme from players in your first team squad during the 2020–21 season? Choose one option: (Many; More than a few; A few; No complaints) (Effectiveness)
How satisfied are you with the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme in your first team squad? (Very dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Indifferent; Satisfied; Very satisfied) (Effectiveness)
With regard to the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme, please let us know how you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: (1) it reduces injuries; (2) it makes more players available for team selection; (3) players can return to play sooner after injury; (4) it reduces re-injuries; (5) it is really easy to get players to do the programme; (6) the players really like the programme and see its value; (7) it causes muscle soreness in players; (8) it increases sprint speed and acceleration; (9) it increases hamstring muscle strength. (Fully agree; Partly agree; Indifferent; Partly disagree; Fully disagree) (Effectiveness)
Do you intend to use the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme for your first team squad in the future? (Yes; No; We have not thought about it yet) (Maintenance)
Which hamstring injury prevention strategy for your first team squad do you intend to use in the future? (Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme is the only strategy we will use in the future; Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme is part of, but not the only strategy we will use in the future; We will have a hamstring injury prevention strategy, but the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme is NOT part of this; We will not have a hamstring injury prevention strategy in the future; We have not thought about it yet) (Maintenance)
Did your first team squad use any specific exercises/exercise programmes other than the Nordic Hamstring Exercise programme to prevent hamstring injuries in the 2020–21 season? (Yes; No) If yes, please describe. (Adoption)
*Additional questions in the 2020–21 survey not included in the original 2012–14 survey.9
The survey aimed to evaluate if the NHE programme had been used, how it was used and if other preventive measures were used in conjunction or instead of the NHE in teams participating in WECIS during the 2020–21 season. The contact persons from these teams were informed about the survey through email. If contact persons agreed to participate, they were given access to the survey through an online survey software (SurveyMonkey, California, USA).
The questionnaire was distributed in December 2021 and automatic reminders were sent after 3, 7 and 10 days.