The results of our study indicate that there is some validity in using ultrasound-derived multisegment bony distances (between mammillary processes and between spinous processes) as a measure of multisegment IVD height. Single-segment measurements, however, showed little validity. More specifically, we observed significant moderate correlations (r=0.60–0.68) for the multivertebral segment-based measurements (L2–L5) and the average across these three segments, while single-segment measurements were not significantly correlated with their respective MRI-derived IVD height. This suggests that averaging or combining distances likely helps account for variations between individual vertebral segments.
Our hypothesis that intermammillary distances are better proxies for IVD heights than interspinous processes distances was not confirmed. Considering that any distance of the same landmark measured between adjacent vertebrae includes a part or the whole height of the vertebral body, we recognise that this problem is the same for any bony landmark. However, measuring the distance between two different bony landmarks in neighbouring vertebrae, for example the mammillary process of the inferior vertebra to the transverse process of the superior vertebra, could potentially lessen this problem.
To further understand the relationship between ultrasound-derived and MRI-derived methods we used to estimate lumbar IVD height, we also employed Bland-Altman plots. The precision of the measurements (ie, the narrower the LoA, the more precise the measurements) and degree of agreement between the two methods can be gleaned from the Bland-Altman plots. The LoA in our study ranged from −1.288 cm to 0.970 cm for MRI-derived overall distance between three IVDs (L2–L5) compared with the ultrasound-derived distance between spinous processes L2–L5. The LoA for the average MRI-derived disc height and the average ultrasound-derived spinous process distance were smaller (range: −2.518 cm to −1.729 cm) and should therefore be considered more precise. The former LoA were not narrow enough to conclude that the method of indirectly measuring IVD height was precise. The latter indicated that the ultrasound imaging measurements were within 0.4 cm of the MRI-derived values. We suggest that the 0.4 cm difference between ultrasound imaging measurements and MRI-derived IVD height could be explained by the respective anatomical starting and stopping points of the two measurement locations: the MRI measurements started at the inferior border of the vertebral body of L2 and ended at the superior border of L5, while the ultrasound measurement began at the apex of the L2 spinous process, which corresponds more closely to the middle of the body of L2 and ended at the apex of L5 spinous process, which again corresponds more closely to the middle of the vertebral body. Thus, based on the differences in the measured structures, it is not surprising that the distances measured are dissimilar, although consistently so.
The degree of agreement between the ultrasound and MRI measures can be extrapolated from the bias shown in the Bland-Altman plot (online supplemental material figure 1; only the significant correlations are shown). The x-axes on the Bland-Altman plots represent the total (online supplemental material figure 1A) and average (online supplemental material figure 1B) distances between L2 and L5 as measured by ultrasound (spinous processes) and by MRI (three IVDs and two vertebral bodies) (distance=(MRI distance+ultrasound distance)/2) for each participant. The y-axes on the Bland-Altman plots represent the absolute differences (total and average distance difference, respectively) between the two values (distance difference=MRI distance–ultrasound distance) for each participant. The mean bias for the data representing the overall distance between segments L2 and L5 was −0.159 cm, while it was −2.123 cm for the average distance. Since the mean biases are smaller than 0, it indicates that the ultrasound-derived measures are consistently larger than the MRI measures.
The positive correlation between IVD height and the discrepancy between ultrasound and MRI measurements seen in both Bland-Altman graphs indicate that the discrepancy between MRI and ultrasound imaging values becomes larger with increasing multisegment distance. This could be a function of increasing IVD or/and increasing vertebral body heights. Regardless, clinically this implies that ultrasound measurements tend to underestimate the overall distance (and overestimate to a lesser degree the average distance) between three IVDs in people with shorter lumbar spines and overestimate it in people with longer lumbar spines.
Linear regression
The linear regression analysis sheds further light on the relationship between the ultrasound-derived and MRI-derived methods we used to estimate lumbar IVD height. Linear regression revealed that the ultrasound-derived multisegment distance between the L2 and L5 spinous processes accounted for about 46% of the variance of the data obtained via MRI. This finding supports a relationship between the two measurement methods and modalities, although a moderate one. However, we believe that this result is more a function of the correlation between lumbar vertebral body height when measured with ultrasound imaging and compared with our reference standard obtained via MRI. This is based on the fact that, on average, vertebral bodies make up more than 60% of the distance from segments L2–L5.25
Reliability and repeatability
The second aim of this study was to assess intrarater test–retest reliability and intrarater reliability. Our methods, ultrasound imaging (captured twice, measured once) and MRI (captured once, measured twice), showed excellent reliability, with ICC between 0.93 and 1.00. Interestingly, the ICC for the single-segment measurements of intermammillary distances was lower than the multisegment measurements; this was reversed for measurements using interspinous process distances (both using ultrasound imaging).
Minimum detectable difference
The MDD is a useful clinical variable that indicates the amount of change needed to have a significant difference in a given population. Our results for MDD at 95% (table 3) suggest that the ultrasound imaging protocol can detect a single-segment distance change of 2–3 mm, depending on the lumbar segment, when using the mammillary processes as bony landmarks. When using the spinous processes as bony landmarks, this value is even smaller, ranging between 0.7 mm and 1.5 mm. We submit that these values are small enough to suggest this measuring tool is reliable. To confirm this proposition we also assessed the possible measuring error and relative measuring error, as indicated by the %SEm. The values for our %SEm range between 2.6 and 2.9. This indicates that we can expect a measuring error of up to 2.9% or 0.7 mm on a measured distance of 2.7 cm (eg, between the L4/L5 mammillary processes), which is considered to be good.26 Our results lead us to conclude that our ultrasound imaging protocol is reliable in making multisegment measurements, although not to estimate IVD height. Of note, our results apply to asymptomatic individuals rather than those with low back pain, so generalisation should be made with caution.
Despite our effort to design a carefully controlled study, it also had several potential limitations. Our sample size is relatively small but larger than the sample size of other studies.16 18 27 Our population sample included only healthy young adults who have a relatively small likelihood of having IVD or vertebral body pathology. In the case of presence of corner osteophytes and Schmorl’s nodes, the MRI-derived IVD height measurement protocol would have to be adjusted. We only assessed the validity and reliability of segments L2/L3, L3/L4 and L4/L5. We did not consider any segments above and below. While ultrasound imaging cannot be performed in a supine position, it is the preferred position for MRI. The lordotic angle will differ between these two positions and thus affect the anterior and posterior IVD dimensions (as measured on MRI) and the interbony distances (as measured via ultrasound imaging). Lastly, selection of MRI images may not correspond to image selection in ultrasound imaging. This is most pertinent to our interspinous process distance measurements since the MRI-derived and ultrasound-derived images should be collected in the midsagittal plane.