The high control phase aimed to establish a base for on-pitch preparation, and to progressively increase running volume (total distance). Running speeds were limited to 60%–65% of maximal speed to limit strain rate and magnitude of bone loading. Return to running sessions comprised of box-to-box runs; walking to the edge of the 6-yard box and back as active recovery (figure 3). This phase laid the foundation for running progression and built player confidence and trust in the rehabilitation process.
Figure 3Example ‘control-chaos continuum’ phase progression content including conditioning emphasis, no. of sessions, technical qualities and actual session running load targets (upper, lower and actual values). Control=high influence on behaviour/actions/movement, that is, controlled situation. Chaos=behaviour/actions/movement that is unpredictable as to appear random/reactive, that is, chaotic situation. Green represents high control (low intensity) moving towards high chaos (high intensity). Model can be adjusted specific to injury diagnosis, estimated tissue healing times and expected return to training. TD, total distance; HSR, high-speed running (>5.5 ms−1), SPR, sprint distance (>7 ms−1), Exp-D, explosive distance (accelerating/decelerating from 2 to 4 ms−1<1 s), HMLD, high metabolic distance (distance above 25−1; sum of HSR and EXP-D), Acc, accelerations; Dec, decelerations, magnitude (Acc/Dec), rate of change in velocity, for example, 3ms−2, PR, passive recovery; COD, change of direction, BW, bodyweight; MS, maximal speed; MAXHR, maximal heart rate; RZ, red zone (>85% MaxHR), **=gameload adjustable dependent on injury specificity/severity, SSG, small-sided games, ‘realistic’=real-life representation of the volumes (distances/durations) the player is exposed to during training/match-play. Ex, extensive session example, RAMPs, raise; elevate heart rate, Activate, activate key muscles groups involved in activity, Mobilise=mobilise key joints involved during activity, Potentiate=potentiate the neuromuscular system for activity, Specific=relevance of other acronyms in relation to the players actual sport/specific training session type; n, number of sessions within each phase.