Table 2

Summary offindings ofstudiesassessingsiblings onobjectivelymeasuredphysicalactivityoutcomes (n=19)*

Bagleyet al,572006Favourssiblings
Byunet al,532011NS
Gomeset al,422014Favourssiblings
Gomeset al,412017FavourssiblingsFavourssiblings
Heskethet al,462006M-NS/F-favourssiblingsDoes notfavoursiblingsM-NS/F-favourssiblings
Hinkleyet al,522012M-NS/F-favourssiblingsM-NS/F-favourssiblings
Hnatiuket al,432016NSNS
McMinnet al,442011Favourssiblings
Mitchellet al,402016M-favourssiblings/F-NS
Pearceet al,542014M-NS/F-favourssiblings
Pouliouet al,482015NSNS
Tandonet al,512014MixedresultsFavourssiblings
Van Sluijset al,472013NSFavours onlyolder siblings
Wanget al,2015NS
Wijtzeset al,502013Favours only 2+Favours only 2+Favours only 2+
Atkinet al,492013Favourssiblings
Crawfordet al,552010M-NS/F-favourssiblings
Verloigneet al,562012Does notfavoursiblingsNSNS
  • *NS=no significant difference between children with siblings and only children;Favourssiblings = results found favoured the presence of siblings (ie, increased LPA or MVPAor CPMor decreased SB);Does not favoursiblings=results found did not favour the presence of siblings (ie, decreased LPA or MVPA or CPMor increased SB);M-NS/F-favourssiblings = NS result for boy’s physical activity outcomes, Favours siblings for girl’s physical activity outcomes;M-favourssiblings/F-NS =favours sibling result for boy’s physical activity outcomes, NS result for girl’s physical activity outcomes;Mixed results =results that favoured siblings (less SB) and results that did not favour siblings (more SB) were found, Favours onlyoldersiblings=results indicated that only older siblings improved physical activity outcomes; Favours only 2+ =results indicated that having greater than two siblings improved physical activity outcomes.

  • CPM,counts per minute;LPA,light physical activity;MVPA,moderate-to-vigorous physical activity;SB,sedentary behaviour;SED,sedentary behaviour.