Table 4

Within and between group comparison of variables

GroupControl group (n=72)Intervention group (n=138)Between group differences (P)Effect size
5 m walking time(s)3.00 (0.75)2.96 (0.87)0.06
 Pre2.83 (0.86)2.78 (0.74)
 Change0.16 (0.66)0.18 (0.36)0.716
 Pre6.55 (1.55)6.83 (2.14)0.38
 Post6.70 (1.65)6.60 (1.73)**
 Change−0.15 (1.21)0.24 (1.07)0.022
FRT (cm)‡
 Pre32.3 (7.8)31.3 (7.6)0.16
 Post31.0 (9.1)32.7 (6.8)**
 Change−1.2 (7.1)1.4 (6.0)0.291
CS-30 (times)§
 Pre18.3 (6.5)17.6 (5.3)0.42
 Post18.6 (6.3)19.6 (5.6)**
 Change0.3 (4.3)2.0 (3.8)0.007
Sway path EO (cm/s)¶
 Pre1.52 (0.50)1.50 (0.74)0.34
 Post1.46 (0.66)1.65 (0.93)
 Change0.05 (0.47)−0.15 (0.70)0.052
Sway path EC (cm/s)**
 Pre2.24 (1.10)2.37 (1.32)0.23
 Post2.22 (1.21)2.17 (1.13)**
 Change0.01 (0.60)0.20 (0.88)0.175
Knee extension strength (%BW)
 Pre35.9 (15.0)38.6 (12.5)0.35
 Post36.2 (14.4)41.2 (10.5)**
 Change0.2 (8.8)2.61 (9.9)0.035
Sit and Reach Test (cm)
 Pre13.9 (8.6)14.9 (9.4)0.33
 Post14.5 (10.0)17.7 (9.7)**
 Change0.6 (5.8)2.8 (6.8)0.046
VPCF (ℓ/min)††
 Pre242.0 (96.3)273.8 (127.4)0.47
 Post249.4 (98.1)316.4 (136.5)**
 Change7.4 (73.7)42.7 (95.4)0.004
LCF (kg)‡‡
 Pre9.22 (3.53)9.77 (3.86)0.19
 Post9.30 (3.12)9.67 (4.34)
 Change0.07 (3.11)−0.09 (4.09)0.424
Number of fallers§§
 Pre38 (32%)38 (26%)NA
 Post26 (22%)17 (12%)
 Change12 (10%)21 (14%)0.02
  • Values are means (SD) except number of fallers. *p<0.05, **p<0.01: Pre-Post comparison.

  • †Timed Up and Go Test.

  • ‡Functional Reach Test.

  • §30s Chair Stand Test.

  • ¶Eyes open condition.

  • **Eyes closed condition.

  • ††Voluntary peak cough flow.

  • ‡‡Labial closure force.

  • §§Experience of one or more falls during past 6 months.

  • NA, not applicable.