Table 3

Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses for those with a long-term illness or disability

VariableUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
ORCIp ValueORCIp Value
Sports clubs membership?
 Yes13.08010.235 to 16.717<0.0019.7596.825 to 13.955<0.001
 Male1.6141.383 to 1.883<0.0011.6671.298 to 2.141<0.001
Age groups (years)
 16–3510.7277.586 to 15.168<0.0015.2122.586 to 10.505<0.001
 36–554.8563.587 to 6.576<0.0012.3311.236 to 4.3950.009
 56–752.2291.645 to 3.021<0.0011.1700.675 to 2.0270.577
 76 and overRefRef
Marital status
 Married or cohabiting0.7940.650 to 0.9690.0240.6180.426 to 0.8970.011
 Widowed, divorced, separated or same sex couple0.3970.313 to 0.503<0.0010.8590.583 to 1.2650.442
House car/van?
 Yes2.4472.033 to 2.946<0.0011.6441.197 to 2.2570.002
Highest qualifications
 Degree or higher7.6255.422 to 10.7230.0001.5730.875 to 2.8280.130
 All other qualifications3.9333.199 to 4.8360.0002.1811.614 to 2.948<0.001
 No qualificationsRefRef
Paid or unpaid work in the past 7 days?
 Yes4.4763.714 to 5.393<0.0011.4751.026 to 2.1200.036
 Yes0.3270.270 to 0.396<0.0010.9200.631 to 1.3390.662
Urban or rural?
 Rural0.6790.572 to 0.805<0.0010.7160.525 to 0.9750.034
 Belfast1.3961.096 to 1.7770.0071.6321.058 to 2.5190.027
 Outer Belfast1.6141.287 to 2.024<0.0011.3080.873 to 1.9610.193
 East of NI0.8900.699 to 1.1330.3460.9150.623 to 1.3460.653
 North of NI0.8250.628 to 1.0840.1670.9150.600 to 1.3960.680
 West+South NIRefRef
Over the last year, has your health on the whole been
 Good3.0442.432 to 3.809<0.0012.3001.581 to 3.347<0.001
 Fairly good1.7931.512 to 2.126<0.0011.5671.197 to 2.050<0.001
 Not goodRefRef
Do you smoke?
 Yes0.8530.701 to 1.0390.115
Personal internet access?*
 Yes3.3772.873 to 3.968<0.0011.3020.983 to 1.7230.066
MDM quintiles
 10.4590.360 to 0.583<0.0010.3340.158 to 0.7080.004
 20.4330.337 to 0.555<0.0010.3620.192 to 0.6800.002
 30.4850.379 to 0.621<0.0010.2970.157 to 0.562<0.001
 40.6270.490 to 0.802<0.0010.4150.228 to 0.7570.004
  • *Personal internet access combines the 3 groups (household, personal and any internet access) into 1 variable.

  • MDM, Multiple Deprivation Measure; NI, Northern Ireland.